Monday, September 19, 2011

September Is For Apple Picking!!!!!

Abby tasting a Macoun!
Caitlin getting a boost from Mr. Don!
The rows and rows of apple trees at Melick's Farm in Oldwick!

       September is for Macouns!  Yes, Macoun apples.  They are my absolute favorite apple varietal.  They have a perfect texture, a perfect flavor and they are so much fun to pick!!!  Our family has been visiting Melick's Town Farm in Oldwick, NJ  for 27 years.  Now that my children are grown, my husband (known as Mr. Don) and I take some neighbors to the farm every year for an afternoon of apple picking, a picnic, a tractor- pull hay ride and fun on all the playground equipment located on the next lot behind the town library.  The website for Melick's Town Farm is  It is located on King Street in Oldwick, NJ.  The phone number is 908-439-3888. Melick's is a wonderful farm to visit at several times of the year for pick-your-own fruits.  It has no petting zoos, no clowns (Please ask Miss Sharon what this is all about!!) and no frills in general. That is why I love it so!   It is a working farm with a cider mill, amazing orchards and busy bee hives to watch.  The farm is over a hundred years old and is such a treasure in our great state of NJ.
     Seasonal activities are such a delight for all members of the family.  Celebrating the seasons and the natural events that occur strengthen our bond to the bounties of our planet.  Children learn to appreciate, respect and care for the earth by experiencing the wonders it can bring to all of us.  ---  Miss Lisa

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Wonderful First Day

     Today The Preschool Experience & Enrichment Academy opened our red schoolhouse door to the 2011-2012 academic school year.  It was a wonderful first day filled with laughter, discovery, grooving, sharing and creative teaching designed for the youngest learners.  I always  ponder how such a small school with such a small staff can create such a wonderful learning experience for the youngest members of the community.  The Preschool celebrates it's 34th year as a thriving business in Metuchen, NJ.  I have owned the school for 14 years and attended the school 26 years ago with my oldest daughter when the school was owned by Ms. Nancy Heim.  The sole focus of the school at that time were the parent/child classes.  As our society and economy have changed over the years, I have added many unique courses to be attended independently to our programming that I hope have enriched the lives of so many young learners.  As I opened the doors this morning and walked out to greet the many families that attend our Monday classes it was as if I was greeting my family after not seeing them for the summer!  Thank you to all of our families for your support and patronage to such a great little school that was started with such a big idea and strives to support, serve and mentor our community.---Miss Lisa  (Lisa Merseles)